Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 | 9AM – 11PM PST
Cost | $45.00 (credit cards and ACH bank transfer accepted)
What have you learned about yourself, as a person and a professional, as a result of facing the challenges of the past year?
Are you feeling like you want to do things differently in your life and your work when we eventually emerge from the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Getting “back to normal” is neither desirable nor possible after the trauma we have all experienced and continue to experience as healthcare providers.
What we need is a “new normal”, which integrates what we have learned about ourselves and our work into a healthier life balance; one that supports our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being while allowing us to be the kind of healers we want to be for our patients.
Join me and other healthcare providers for a workshop on “Creating Your Own New Normal in a Post-Covid World”
Together, in community, we will:
If we don’t take the lead in creating our own new normal, others will do it for us.
Please join me to begin the journey to your own new normal.
Joe Sherman, MD is a pediatrician, professional development coach, and consultant to individuals and healthcare organizations in the areas of cross-cultural medicine, leadership, and provider well-being. Reach him at
reflective tools such as poetry, journaling, and storytelling.